Friends of the Child Advocacy Center
Child Abuse Prevention in Frederick County, Maryland
You can make a difference in the lives of children in the Frederick area in many ways. Whether you work in or out of the home, are a student, or are retired, we need you to help achieve zero tolerance for child abuse in our community.
We are looking for volunteers to join us in supporting the work of the CAC and in promoting greater community awareness of child abuse. If you just have a few hours or unlimited time, you can help our kids in the Community by:
- Planning special events
- Fundraising
- Attending events that promote child abuse prevention-County and City hearings, proclamation ceremonies, etc.
- Increasing social media outreach on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Participating in the Holiday Gift Program
- Making comfort blankets for abused children – Instructions for No-sew Fleece Blanket
- Joining a committee (April Activities, Fundraising, Helping Hands, Membership)
We welcome you to join our organization and donate your time and skills in the way that works best for you.
Our membership dues are $20 per year.
To become a member, please fill out the application information below and mail it, along with your $20 membership dues, to:
Friends of the CAC
PO Box 3344
Frederick, MD 21705-3344
Please provide the following information:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Phone Number: (please indicate if cell or home is best to contact you)
Best Time to Reach You:
What about the CAC sparked your interest to join the Friends of the CAC:
If you have questions, please contact us by email and indicate if you would like a call or more information sent to you by email or mailed to you.