Friends of the Child Advocacy Center
Child Abuse Prevention in Frederick County, Maryland
Saturday's Clothing Giveaway was a HUGE success! We want to thank all the volunteers, the Frederick Police, Lucy's Consignment and Monumental Moving Company for helping us make this event happen. We are especially grateful for Jody Deveney's leadership as the coordinator for this event. We are so glad children in our community will have coats and clothing for this fall and winter. Here is a collage of pictures from the event and Jody, Chris and the guys from Monumental that hauled over 200 bags of clothing to the event.

Many thanks to the Frederick County Fraternal Order of Police 102 for choosing us as a recipient of the proceeds from their annual golf tournament held in the fall last year. Here is DFC Nick Constantine presenting the check to Pat Bradshaw and Janet Whitcomb from the Friends of the CAC.

A huge thank you to the Rotary Club of Carroll Creek for awarding one of 5 grants to us!

Thank you to Century Ford of Mt. Airy for their generous donation of 2,280 face masks to support the Child Advocacy Center of Frederick County. Pictured -Marianne Trump, Friends of the CAC Treasurer, and Brian Gerald, Century Ford of Mt. Airy General Sales Manager.

A huge thank you to Casey Hanagan and Monumental Moving Company for moving a family in need. Casey and his crew were very efficient moving this client with only a one day notice! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Charity Golf Tournament - The Links at Challedon
Monday, April 26, 2021 - CANCELLED
Even though we had to cancel our golf tournament fundraiser, we want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the following businesses that donated their sponsorships to our cause to increase awareness of child abuse and neglect in Frederick County!​I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.